Top 6 Benefits to Burning Wood for Heating
Posted by Ultimate Showroom on
No two ways about it, despite Australia being a hot and sunny country for half of the year, it still has a winter that is bitingly cold for the other half in most areas.
Every residential home in the country will have a heating system in readiness for those colder months.
If yours is a wood heater, you are well equipped to fend off the winter cold.
Below are the benefits of having wood heating.
Locally supplied firewood
These days you'll find locally based suppliers working in conjunction with renewable and sustainable sources.
Sure, within certain provisions of shire and council bylaws, you can collect your own firewood under certain conditions like: location, time frame, quantity etc, but honestly, you should be spending more time in front of your fire and less outside.
Leave it to the professionals and keep them in business. Let them do the dirty and dangerous work and heavy lifting.
Take back control of your Power Bill
Australians are not shy to voice their opinions on ever increasing power prices from the Utilities companies.
The cost of electricity during the winter seems to sky rocket from one year to the next, with some commentators speculating that it is becoming an annual rort.
Consumers are now looking to take back control, by supplementing their domestic power infrastructure by including a solar solution and maybe also a wood heater solution.
If planned correctly there is no need to receive a power shock when your utilities bill arrives in the mail.
It goes without saying, by having a wood heater in your home it can help drastically reduce your utilities bill.
Take back control.
When the power goes out
It's not often that the power will go out in Australia but depending on the time of the year and where you live, power outages do occur.
If you live in a remote area and are cut-off after a storm and there is no power, then a wood heater can become your best friend in emergency situations.
A wood heater can help keep the house warm and dry.
Depending on what wood heater you have, it may be able to cook food off the top plate by using cast iron pots and pans and being able to boil water.
Lucky you!
Getting a work out!
Your local wood supplier will drop off your supply firewood, from there it's up to you to decide how large and how small you want your pieces cut.
Go out to the shed, grab the axe and away you go.
Before long you'll be working up a sweat and maybe dropping a few pounds in the process after all that exertion.
Surely this is a benefit for introducing a wood heater and firewood into your home? Your Dad Bod will thank you for it.
Reuse firewood ash in the garden
Once the firewood ash has cooled down sufficiently, it can be used in the garden for a number of different applications.
Spread it throughout a garden that is highly alkaline for instance.
The additional influx of carbon and potassium from the burnt ash will boost the garden immensely.
Use it as a barrier around the edges of flower beds and vegetable gardens to prevent snails, slugs and worms from getting in.
The ash line acts like a caking agent, much like how food grade Diatomaceous Earth is used to control insects around grain crops.
Surely there is nothing more perfect than a cosy wood heater keeping the house and family warm and dry over the inclement winter months? We say yes!
With Australians having a mighty reputation for being resourceful in the great outdoors, no doubt people will think of other ways to spruik the benefits of a wood heater, not just us.
- Tags: Tips & Tricks Wood